June 29 Anger Journal

“I would not look upon anger as something foreign to me that I have to fight… I have to deal with my anger with care, with love, with tenderness, with non-violence.” Thich Nhat Hanh Tonight I went to see Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mohandes K. Gandhi (the Mahatma, ya’ll). Years ago, I read the autobiography…

June 28 Shark Week

“All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.” Friedrich Nietzsche All things are connected. Travel with me into the mind of Lulu, Dear Reader,  I’ll explain. It’s Shark Week!  On the off chance that you don’t know what Shark Week is, here you…

June 27 National Sunglasses Day

“Sunglasses: allowing you to stare at people without getting caught. It’s like Facebook in real life.” Well thank goodness they made this an official day. For the first time, I celebrated a made-up holiday that actually did me a little good. Unlike Ice Cream for Breakfast Day, LOL. My plane got in at 4:30 in…

June 26 BET Music Awards

  “All these non-singing, non-dancing, wish-I-had-me-some-clothes fools who tell me my albums suck. Why should I pay any attention to them?” Prince Here’s the thing: if you’ve met me anytime after 1981, you KNOW that I love Prince. If we went to elementary, junior high, high school or college together, you know this fun fact…

June 25 Let’s Make A Deal

“This is what I was built for, I can’t save a life, that’s why I didn’t become a doctor. I can’t drive a 16 wheeler. There are a lot of things in life that I can’t do but I’ll be damned if I can’t get on a stage and entertain.” Wayne Brady Today I dressed…

June 24 Priyonce

“Despite everything, no one can dictate who you are to other people.” Prince Tonight I had dinner in downtown Los Angeles at the Preux and Proper. Preux, pronounced “pru” in French means brave, valiant, courageous – this is the name of their downstairs bar. Proper in English means conforming to established standards of behavior or…

June 23 Chinese Massage

“That’s not flying, that’s just falling with style.” Woody from Toy Story, regarding Buzz Lightyear I flew from Shanghai, China to LAX today and the turbulence on the flight was wonderful. Strange comment, I know. Think about it: you are on a plane, in an uncomfortable seat for upwards of 12 hours. Your legs cramp,…

June 22 Last Sunset in Bali

I spent my last sunset in Bali tonight. Sad face. On a positive note, my plane was delayed and I did get a free night in a hotel from the airline. One night isn’t long enough to enjoy another sunset though.

June 21 Balinese Lunch of Wet and Fried Chicken

“When you don’t have any money, the problem is food. When you have money, it’s sex. When you have both, it’s health.” J.P. Donleavy Today for lunch I went to Ayam Betutu, a local eatery in Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia. My Uber driver recommended this place and he recommended that I eat fried and wet chicken….

June 20 Happy Birthday To Me!

“Walking up the stairs just the afternoon, a sweet wind blew not a moment too soon. I cried when I realized that sweet wind was you. Spirits come and spirits go, some stick around for the aftershow. Don’t have to say I miss you, ’cause I think you already know.” Prince, Comeback Today is my…

June 19 Durian – Fruit of the Gods

“No matter how faint the light of distant stars, be amazed with me that it has traversed a universe to reach us.” William C. Hannan This was interesting! Today I tried the Durian fruit of Bali, Indonesia. Durian is called the Fruit of Kings, I renamed it the Fruit of the Gods. Let me tell…

June 18 Shopping, Beaches and Wedding Crashing in Bali

“Any love that is solely based on physical beauty is a stranger to longevity.” Edmond Mbiaka This morning we got off to a late start (10AM) and headed straight for souvenir shopping. I got a lot of Buddha inspired items, essential oils, Bali soap and wood carved soap dishes. We hit four gorgeous beaches today: Samabe…