January 26 Paint A Self Portrait

“Every man’s work, whether it be literature, or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.” Samuel Butler My First today was to paint a self portrait. My left side is my best side, I have a dimple. So I made my self portrait looking over my left shoulder….

January 25 Switching Up the Workout – Superman Style

 “You won’t get the ass you want by sitting on it.” Wise Woman I wanted to workout this evening but Tall, Handsome Son wanted to watch Man of Steel. We’ve seen it – but so what? To compromise, I decided to switch up my workout in a way that I have read about but never tried….

January 24 Beer Can Appreciation Day

“Crocheters save their good yarn for their favorite people. So if your next scarf is kind of scratchy…Sorry, you didn’t make the cut.” Your Grandma Up until today, I wholeheartedly believed that I could crochet. I also believed that I had once made a scarf when I was 12. After painstakingly teaching myself to crochet…

January 22 Mock Interview with Google

“I wonder what’s better: Google, Yahoo or Bing? Wait…I’ll Google it!” Yesterday I was sent a pretty interesting internet article from Older Charming (and also Handsome) Son. It was titled “41 of Google’s Toughest Interview Questions”.  I decided to have fun with it. Although I was required to practice mock interviews in high school and college,…

January 21 National Hug Day

“We  need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day to thrive.” Virginia Satir Before yesterday, I did not know that there exists a registry where anyone can apply for a national holiday. National Hug Day was thought up in 1986 by a…

January 20 Buy Lunch for A Stranger

“Every man must decide whether he will walk in the light of creative altruism or in the darkness of destructive selfishness.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I typically don’t eat in cafeterias. Is it a holdover from elementary school? Traumatized by the mean lunch lady with the hairnet? I don’t know. But this is what I…

January 19 The youtube Make-up Tutorial

  “I don’t wear make-up and here’s why: I’m heavy-handed and I like purple.” Lulu Starchild I used to sell make-up in another life and I got tons of free products. Back in the day, I put in the time to get dolled up in the morning. I am my mother’s daughter. My mom would…

January 18 It Always Happens When No One Is Recording

“Just do it.” Shia LeBeouf The greatest embarrassment of my life is that I can’t hula hoop. I can’t even spell it. Is it hula or hoola? Children hula hoop, 80 year olds hula hoop. I’m kinda goofy and I’ve just never been able to do it. Tall Handsome Son has won hula hooping contests…

January 17 Two-Hour Meditation Group

  “Sleep is the best meditation.” Dalai Lama If you’ve ever tried to meditate for five minutes, you know how hard that can be. Sit and breathe. That’s it. No praying, no thinking, no goal-setting, no complaining, no planning what to do when meditation is over, no mental checklists. Sit and breathe. That’s it. Today…

January 16 The “I Love Me” Thai Soup

“Pineapples.” Kevin Hart The first time I ever visited this particular local Thai restaurant, I ordered the pineapple-coconut-curry-shrimp soup. It was delicious and they mold the rice into a heart shape. Awwww……. The first time I went was with McDreamy. I don’t think McDreamy was that into me because when the soup was served with…

January 15 Zentangle

  “You never know just how much you need art therapy until you sit down with pen in hand.” Catalina Hurtado Someone suggested that I take a free class at the library. I had never done that before, so this was my First for today. A distant cousin of mine already traced my family tree…